Calumet Carton’s Commitment to Sustainability
As a packaging company, we strive to be socially responsible examples to our customers and partners. We are dedicated to promoting good environment stewardship by creating packaging that uses natural and recycled resources. We also are committed to making a positive impact on the environment by reducing our carbon imprint. Here are some of the ways we are making a difference…
Demonstration of Our Commitment
- All our stock mailers and reverse tuck cartons are made from 100% recycled paperboard.
- Our kraft mailers and cartons are made from at least 90% Post Consumer Content – making them one of the greenest products offered in the industry.
- We use soy based printing inks for our offset printing. Why is this so important? Using soy based printing inks reduces the amount of volatile organic compounds (VOC’s) released into the environment.
- Our standard aqueous coating used to protect print quality is water based. It is 80% water and can be treated and disposed as regular water.
- Every week we recycle over 100 tons of paperboard through our auger, conveyer and bailer system. The paperboard scraps go back to the paper mills, where it is recycled and turned into new, fresh paperboard.
- Our Computer-To-Plate (CTP) system is efficient and environmentally friendly. It eliminates the processing and development of film that creates toxic waste.
- Old printing plates along with any other scrap metals are recycled.
- We reuse or recycle all incoming pallets.
- We re-lamped our plant with Orion’s high-intensity fluorescent technology, reducing our power consumption by 357,064 kWh per year.

In our continued effort to reduce our carbon imprint, Calumet Carton Company decided to make a big investment towards energy savings. In the fall of 2009, we re-lamped our entire plant with Orion’s high-intensity fluorescent technology, reducing our power consumption by 54%. The new system is expected to decrease the amount of kilowatt-hours consumed by 357,064 kWh per year over the 20 year life of the fixtures. That equates to 7,141,280kWh!
As a result of this new energy efficient lighting system that we installed, we received the Orion Environmental Stewardship Award in February 2010. Because the environmental benefits derived from our lighting project are ongoing and will continue for years, this award is so much more meaningful to us.
Over the lifetime of the Orion fixtures that we installed, the environmental impact equates to:
- Planting 66 acres of forest
- Removing 4,716 tons of airborne pollutants
- Saving 589,550 gallons of gasoline
Have questions, need a quote or want to request a sample? Call us at (708) 333-6521 and let us help you find the right solution for your next project.